
Don't Waste Time!

Want to know how you can join the adventure of Orphan Care?

The Details:

"The Church has always been God’s plan for building his kingdom, and this includes securing justice for the poor and most vulnerable. Altar84 desires to work intimately with the Body of Christ to care for the least of these, the orphan. On Saturday, March 10th, 2012, Altar84’s kNOw More Orphans Conference will seek to unite the local church community for the call to care for orphans and children in need — right here and around the world."

Early Bird Rate has been extended! Register today for this AWESOME conference! We're counting down the days! Join us for kNOw More Orphans!


9 More Boxes of Diapers
to go in only
13 Days!

Happy Birthday to Me!

All proceeds go to Shelby and Jefferson County DHR!


  1. Sorry, it may not arrive until the 6th, but another box of diapers is on the way from amazon! Love what you're doing!

    1. This is how bad I am! This whole time I thought this was me, writing to myself, and then I realized I know someone else who spells Catie with a C! Thank you sweet, friend! So grateful for your heart and support!
