
Eight Ways to Pray for Your Child's Birth Family

The phone rang Friday morning at 11:47 am.

Will you say, Yes, to a ....

I felt the weight of the call, because a Yes to a child is also a Yes to a family...if nothing else ~ above all else ~ to the commitment of carrying that mama and daddy before the throne of grace with confidence.

If the Jesus can do the impossible for the children in our home, He is worthy of us taking the impossibles of their families before Him.

How can we specifically cry out on their behalves?

Pray that they would know God’s mercy and the sacrifice of His Son on their behalf, so that they may be reconciled to God.
~ Romans 5:10 and 8:32

Pray that they would grasp there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because He has set them free from the law of sin and death.
~ Romans 8:1-2

Pray that the Lord would be faithful to them. That He would establish and guard them against the attacks of the Evil One. Satan longs to destroy families!
~ II Thessalonians 3:3

Pray that they would have the courage to examine their lives and the work of their hands and that they would be accept responsibility “for their own loads.”
~ Galatians 6:4-5

Pray that God would not allow them to be tempted beyond what they can bear, that He would give them wisdom to see a way out.
~ I Corinthians 5:13

Pray that they, by God’s mercy, would be strong and courageous as they wade the waters of the court systems. That they would know the Lord God is with them.
~ Joshua 1:9

Pray that they would be able to forgive as they have been forgiven. 
~ Colossians 3:13

Pray that they could know that God’s grace is sufficient for them that His power can be
 made perfect through their weakness.
~ 2 Corinthians 12:9

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