This one is my favorite!
Shorter Catechism Questions #140
Who may rightly partake of the Lord’s Supper?
Those who repent of their sins, trust in Christ, live a godly life, and profess their faith before the Church.
Read Matthew 26:1-16
Jesus talked with His disciples as He had several times before. Except now, the time had almost run out. He told them He would be turned over to be crucified at Passover, in only two days. While Jesus talked with His closest friends, others, who thought He was a dangerous enemy, planned His death. Jesus knew what was coming, and He knew His Father, the one true God, loved Him more deeply than we could ever dream. So days before His death, Jesus sat and ate with those no one else wanted to be with. He dined at Simon the Leper’s house, a man who would have been the outcast of society. He watched as Mary, a woman other men wouldn’t be in the same room with, washed His feet with expensive perfume, and wiped the dirt off with her hair. And when the disciples said she wasted precious money that could have been used for better things, Jesus said she gave Him beautiful worship.
· Describe a time you felt “left out”, like an outcast. How did it feel?
· What would it have been like to be in a room with Jesus just days before His death?
· Would you have been willing to spend time with those others didn’t want to be around? Why or Why not?
· How can you worship Jesus today as the one true King?
· Thank God that He loves you, and invites you to worship Him.
Sing “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High.”
Lord I lift Your name on high
Lord I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad You're in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us
You came from heaven to earth
(To show the way)
From the earth to the cross
(My debt to pay)
just saw this through rachel's blog. Wish I had seen them earlier in the week, but maybe we can squeeze them in before Sunday. I want to buy your book when it comes out! Hope ya'll are doing well.