Sharing and Writing

Catie Lumpkin's story is one of broken beauty. She and her husband, Jamie, do not have it all together; in fact, it often feels as though they have nothing together, but they cling to the One who holds them. She is a woman desperate for her Savior, a lover of her family, and an advocate for children and families in crisis. Five years ago God led Jamie and Catie out of a "dark night of the soul" through the doors of Lifeline Children's Services to begin what they thought would be the adoption process. However, in that meeting Jamie prayed that through the journey ahead God would transform them into the image of Jesus Christ with ever-increasing glory through whatever means He desired. Years later, God has not brought the formal adoption they longed for, yet He has led 30 foster children from all over the world through their front door. As a result, God has imprinted the calling on their lives to answer and share a holistic approach to orphan care throughout the Body of Christ. The Lumpkins believe the call to enter into the broken world of orphan care is not simply the call of caring for and adopting children, but to stand in the gap as the incarnation of Jesus Christ to the system, the workers, the judges, the lawyers, and especially the biological family. By God's mercy, they work to fulfill the spaces where God longs to "rebuild the ancient ruins," "raise up the foundations of generations," "repair the broken breaches," and "restore the streets to dwell in" for children and families who are emerging from generations of brokenness, as it says in Isaiah 58:12. As a result, God's grace has allowed Jamie and Catie to walk with 11 families who have been impacted by Child Protective Services as the families have begun to experience restoration and true Gospel transformation, realizing God can bring beauty from ashes.

Catie is an author, speaker and blogger. She serves as a Forgotten Advocate for the under Lifesong for Orphans. She and Jamie are also trained Empowered to Connect instructors, and she instructs as a licensed state foster parent trainer.

Catie lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with Jamie; her three biological sons: Caleb (10), Benjamin (8), and Daniel (6); her four foster daughters; and walks life with many more past children, mamas, daddies and grandparents as they travel this beautiful mess of foster care, together.

~ In addition to speaking, she delights in opportunities to write ~

Check out some of her guest posts below:

And some interviews:
~ Questions? ~ 

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